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FAQ  Running Javadoc fails with Java 8


Running Javadoc with Java 8 on a project with custom Miredot Javadoc tags fails with the error "unknown tag".


Since Java 8 "unknown tag" has become an error instead of a warning. This can be fixed by adding Miredot tags to the configuration of the Javadoc process.

For maven:

                    <head>Miredot summary (resource title)</head>
                    <head>Miredot summary (resource title)</head>
                    <head>Miredot resource tag (label)</head>
                    <head>Miredot resource status code(s)</head>
                    <head>Miredot response header</head>

For gradle:

javadoc {
    source = sourceSets.main.allJava
    classpath = configurations.compile
    options.tags = [ "summary", "title", "servicetag", "statuscode", "responseheader" ]