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Configuring the Output

By default, Miredot generates an HTML site of your code. If you want to generate MS Word DOCX  or RAML , you need to indicate this.

With the configuration below, all outputs are generated. Each of the output formats has a set of common and specific configuration options. All are optional. Each output format can be included at most once in the configuration section.

        <!-- optional common configuration -->
            <!-- optional html configuration -->
            <!-- optional docx configuration -->
            <!-- optional raml configuration -->
miredot {
    output {
        formats {
            'html' {
                // optional config e.g., location = 'out/html
            'docx' {
                // optional config e.g., location = 'out/docx
            'raml' {
                // optional config e.g., location = 'out/raml

The formats section is required.